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Exciting New Opportunity

Recently, Mansfield University President, Francis Hendricks was contacted by a University in Florida interested in our Grave Mapping Project and the use of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) in clandestine grave detection. They have proposed an opportunity to travel to Florida and work on a cemetery there with the GPR to locate clandestine graves.

This is an amazing opportunity as it would allow us to test our theories and methodology in grave detection in a completely different soil type and geology than we have here in PA. This leads to a whole new process at the same time. We will need to coordinate the logistics of making the 1200 mile journey with the equipment, as well as facilities to work from at the location.

We must also do a pre-planning and testing phase using remote sensing and collecting geologic as well as hydrologic data of the area to be surveyed. Knowing the geology and hydrology of the area will help us to determine the feasibility of the study. Brackish water and certain geologic conditions will make the study of the area difficult and may prevent it from being a feasible option if less than optimum conditions are present.

I am very excited to see where this opportunity leads and hope to be able to be a part of the study. As any further details and information becomes available I will provide updates.

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