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MU Showcase of Student Scholarship 2016

Today I presented three separate works at the Mansfield University Showcase of Student Scholarship. Two of my presentations were on the research project of which I am the student leader. The third presentation was a map of the Physiographic Regions of Pennsylvania that I created in the fall semester of 2015 for my Cartographic Methods class.

The first of my presentations for the cemetery project is a poster on the process and methodology of using the ESRI Collector App to map out burial locations and record the data related to them. This is the main part of the Tioga County Grave Mapping project, which I have been working on since the summer of 2015, when i took over as student leader after Nathan Harpster graduated.

My second poster presentation on the grave mapping project entails the Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) use in locating clandestine grave locations. This poster was also recently presented at the Northeast Regional meeting of the AAG. This aspect of the project uses GPR antennas of both 100 mHz and 500 mHz to send radar waves through the ground and collect the return data on a radargram which shows soil disturbances or bedrock changes below the surface.

My third and final presentation is the Physiographic Regions of Pennsylvania map that I created. This entry was for the artwork portion of the student showcase.

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